The Laboratory for Autonomous Robotics
LAR was founded in 1998 to provide know-how on the area of autonomous robotics. Due to the complexity and interdisciplinary nature of the issue, researchers and students from different disciplines work in close collaboration. Seeking to combine the practical and the theoretical, researchers and students has diversified its efforts and approaches to robotics science while retaining its original goal of realizing the potential of the robotics field. During the ensuing time, we have experienced many research successes in autonomous vehicles, defense, space-related robots, cognition, computer vision and graphics and anthropomorphic robots. Autonomous vehicles include unmanned aerial vehicles(UAV), unmanned ground vehicles (UGV), unmanned sea and underwater vehicles (UUV).
Due to its excellence and leadership in engineering and computer science BGU holds an enormous advantage in research in these areas. Prove of this is BGU participation as a member of Team Avant-Guardium in the DARPA Urban Grand Challenge.  LAR leaded Robil, the only foreign team accepted to participate in DARPA’s Robotics Challenge on Track B. Robil’s team is an ad-hoc consortium led by BGU comprised of the leaders of the Israeli robotics industry and academia. Recently, LAR developed the Hydro Camel the first ‘blue and white’ autonomous submarine which participated in the AUVSI RoboSub 2013 held at San Diego. For the last four years LAR’ researchers conducted basic and applied research in UUV, UAV, UGV and instrumentation technologies relevant to defense, industrial, transportation, biomedicine and oceanography tasks.